The Laughing Cow® cheese is a symbol of smiles, happiness and sharing, but it also represents an incredible history of creativity and innovation. For this reason, and in preparation of the celebration of its 100th anniversary in 2021, The Laughing Cow®, together with Lab’Bel, the Artistic Laboratory of the Bel Group, has launched a remarkable series of collaborations, enlisting important contemporary artists to create its exceptional Collector’s Edition Boxes series. Released each fall, these offerings renew the special rapport that has always existed between the brand and artists, some of whom where directly solicited by it, while others have merely used it as a source of inspiration.

In the eyes of the artists who create them, the Collector’s Edition Boxes are full-fledged works of art. Each box offers purchasers a choice: to consume the contents, or to keep it intact as a collectible artwork. By jostling the logic of how contemporary art is perceived, as well as its modes of diffusion and its market—with its annual edition at a very affordable price—this playful contemporary art offering epitomizes the philosophy Lab’Bel has espoused since its creation in 2010.

Laurent Fiévet
Director of Lab’Bel, The Artistic Laboratory of the Bel Group